
The Benefits of Pursuing A Settlement Agreement

Employment Law

What is a Settlement Agreement?

A settlement agreement (also sometimes referred to as a compromise agreement) is a legally binding agreement between an employee and an employer which typically provides a payment (sometimes tax-free) from the employer in return for an employee’s agreement not to pursue any claims to an Employment Tribunal or Court.

If an employee has a complaint or claim against their employer, they could pursue this at the Employment Tribunal. On this basis, an employer may try and settle this dispute prior to proceedings beginning in order to stop an employee from making a claim or taking an existing claim any further. An employer will usually require that the terms of this agreement are kept confidential including details of any payments as well as the circumstances surrounding the employment terminating.

By agreeing to a settlement agreement, an employee waives their rights to bring an employment claim. An agreement is legally binding if a solicitor or legal adviser advises the employee on its contents and signs to confirm this.

Why do employers use settlement agreements?

A settlement agreement may involve an employer agreeing to pay a sum of money or agreeing to waive previous issues with that employee. Employers will also use settlement agreements when they wish to terminate an employment contract on terms that are mutually agreed with the employee; settlement agreements can achieve an amicable exit and no claims can then arise or be pursued following this.

Where an employer does not want to pursue nor believe it is feasible to pursue what could be a long, drawn-out process, such as a performance review or a full redundancy process, settlement agreements may be utilised. Further, where issues surrounding discrimination or grievances arise, an employer may want to circumvent a claim for constructive dismissal and/or discrimination by settling in advance of issues escalating.

A matter can settle anytime in a Tribunal case; many cases settle on the first day of a final hearing, to avoid the stress of the hearing. The advantage to an employer in settling a Tribunal matter is that they can avoid costs being incurred in the defence of the same, and can avoid the possible reputational damage that a Tribunal judgment can cause.

How are Settlement Agreements legally binding?

For a Settlement Agreement to be legally binding it must meet the following criteria:

  • The agreement must be in writing;
  • The agreement must relate to a particular complaint or certain proceedings;
  • The employee must have received advice from an independent adviser;
  • The independent adviser must have a current contract of insurance or professional indemnity in place, covering the risk of a claim by the employee in respect of loss arising from the advice;
  • The agreement must identify the adviser;
  • The agreement must state that the applicable statutory conditions regulating the settlement agreement have been met.
  • An employee should be given a reasonable amount of time to consider the proposed conditions of the agreement; Acas outlines that this should usually be a minimum of 10 calendar days unless the parties agree otherwise.

What are the benefits to Settlement Agreements rather than pursuing to an Employment Tribunal?

  • A Settlement Agreement provides greater certainty

Although an Employment Tribunal has the potential of awarding greater amounts than that which may be received through a settlement agreement, it must be noted a Tribunal also has the potential of awarding an employee nothing, should their claim be unsuccessful. The outcome of any Tribunal is uncertain and will depend on a number of factors. Therefore, by agreeing to a settlement agreement a greater sense of certainty is present and there is not risk of an employee walking away without anything.

  • Employment Tribunal claims can be very stressful

Pursuing a claim onto an Employment Tribunal can often be very stressful as witness statements and evidence must be provided by both parties and creditably may be questioned. However, a settlement agreement can be completed without the stress of a long process and the need to attend a tribunal or provide documentation.

  • Employment Tribunals take far longer

The average time for a claim to be concluded in the Employment Tribunal is 27 weeks, but with the pandemic and other backlogs, we are seeing that they can take significantly longer. In stark comparison, a settlement agreement can be concluded within a mere couple of days.

  • Settlement agreements are not made public

When pursuing a claim in an Employment Tribunal, the claim will be published which means that anyone can uncover and read up on the claim, including potential employers and employees. However, a settlement agreement remains private and confidential between both an employee and employer.

Can an employer threaten dismissal if an employee chooses not to accept the settlement agreement?

This is quite a common scenario, where an employer will state “it’s disciplinary for which you will be fired or you leave under these terms”.

If the settlement is then rejected, this may constitute improper behaviour and would be disclosable to a Tribunal as relevant case facts; it could show predetermination in the resulting disciplinary process.

If you would like to speak to a member of our team about any of our services or if you have any concerns about discrimination in your workplace or mental health discrimination, please do not hesitate to contact us at in order to receive your free initial advice.

By Uthman El-Dharrat


Please note this blog is for reference purposes only. It does not constitute legal advice and should not be relied upon as such. Specific legal advice about your specific circumstances should always be sought separately before taking or deciding not to take any action.

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